I - L

Product Image Item Name- Price
Ipheion 'Rolf Fiedler'

Ipheion 'Rolf Fiedler'

A gift several years ago from Marion Jarvie, we grow this in a cold greenhouse and it puts on quite a display with big clear blue flowers. There are about ten species of Ipheion, although uniflora seems to be the only one in general cultivation, and Rolf Fielder is either a selection or hybrid of it.


Ipheion uniflora 'Pink Form'

Ipheion uniflora 'Pink Form'

An apparently unnamed pink form courtesy of Marion, much rarer in cultivation than the blue forms.


Ipheion uniflora alba

Ipheion uniflora alba

South American but surprisingly hardy growing in temperate Argentina, this has been a Brodia and Tritelia at one time or another the confusion dates to antequity, the starry 4cm flowers open when the sun shines.


Leucojum autumnale

Leucojum autumnale

Fall flowering as you would expect, leaves appear after the flowers 1-3 white flowers with a pink tinge on 6" stems.


Lilium davidii wilmonttiae

Lilium davidii wilmonttiae

China, the stoloniferus bulbs are grown for food in its native range, var. wilmontii has up to 100 flowers on stems that can reach 2.2m. Flowers are bright orange Turk's caps.


Lilium superbum

Lilium superbum

Large 6-8' pagoda of downward facing orange Lilies, with reflexed and spotted petals, up to 40 to a stem; it is similar to Lilium martagon. Please do not confuse this wonderful plant with those ugly orange wild daylilies.
