Al - An

Product Image Item Name- Price
Alchemilla erythropoda

Alchemilla erythropoda

A bit reminiscent of A. alpina of the 300 or so species this gem from the Carpathians ranks as one of the best. The foliage is very neat and the display of yellow flowers is among the best.____ZONE 4


Allium cyatophorum farreri

Allium cyatophorum farreri

Red/purple florets, native to China. About a foot tall, blooms Summer to Fall and will tolerate some shade. A deservedly popular species.


Allium kiiense

Allium kiiense

Ornamental onions are the best: durable, pest resistant, and beautiful. And here’s one, hailing from Japan, with all those usual great attributes but blooms in the fall. The six-inch tall grassy foliage will look great all summer, then wraps up the year by covering itself with generous clusters of lavender flowers. The compact growth habit makes it entirely suitable for a rock garden, though it will thrive in regular garden soil as well. Zone 5 – 9, 6 inches tall and wide, sun to part sun.


Allium maximowiczii alba

Allium maximowiczii alba

This may be my favorite allium at the nursery. It flowers extremely heavily, all but covering the foliage in early summer with small round heads of white blooms, but what really sets is apart from other onions is the foliage. The leaves are narrow and grass-like, as silvery as a good fescue, and unlike most bulbous onions that go dormant right after flowering, the foliage stay looking terrific most of the summer. Less than six inches tall for us, clumps up nicely but doesn't run or seed around, perfect for everything from a trough to the front of a perennial boarder. Zone 4.


Allium thunbergii alba

Allium thunbergii alba

Lovely snow white flowers bloom late in fall, as near as we can tell they are indeed thunbergii, however the plants are twice the size of 'Ozawa'.


Alyssum saxitile

Alyssum saxitile

Also known as Aurinia saxitile this is the well known Basket of Gold, very free flowering and extremely easy. It is still well worth growing and is great with subulata Phloxes and cushion Dianthus..____ZONE 4


Amsonia illustris

Amsonia illustris

Like all amsonia, a tough, no fuss perennial with lovely true blue flowers and great yellow fall color. This species also boasts attractive glossy foliage.____ZONE 4


Anthemis montana

Anthemis montana

A cute little daisy with yellow discs surrounded with creamy light yellow ray flowers, it is a long blooming perennial sometimes grown for its essential oils but strangely rather uncommon in gardens..____ZONE 5


Anthericum ramosum

Anthericum ramosum

Tufts of grassy leaves festooned with branching stems of starry white flowers.___ZONE 6
