U - V

Product Image Item Name- Price
Uvularia grandiflora

Uvularia grandiflora

The perfoliate leaves glabrous above pubescent beneath, the dangling 5 cm bright yellow flowers are very showy and the plants naturalize well, Bellwort is perfect mixed with Polygonatums and Disporums in a woodland setting.


Uvularia perfoliata

Uvularia perfoliata

Like a demure Uvularia grandiflora, it is easily recognized by its dwarfer stature, curious skewered foliage which is glabrous-glaucous both top and bottom, and pale yellow usually solitary nodding flowers that are only 3.5cm in length.


Uvularia sessilifolia

Uvularia sessilifolia

A smaller sessile leaved plant similar to U. Carolina with straw colored bells on 45cm stems.


Valeriana arizonica

Valeriana arizonica

Low cushions of orbicular leaves and fairly dense corymbs of white to pink flowers on 20-30cm stems, this is one of the more widely grown western species.____ZONE 5


Vancouveria hexandra

Vancouveria hexandra

A white flowered deciduous species from the Pacific Northwest, like the other species, it needs rich woodland conditions.____ZONE 5


Vernonia crinita

Vernonia crinita

Ironweeds are one of those beautiful plants that are too tall and flower the wrong time of year for mainstream nurseries. Plant one, however, and you will be very happy when it shoots up to a big 6-8 foot plant covered in late summer/early fall with big heads of bright purple flowers, beloved of butterflies. The biggest vernonia we grow. A beautiful native that deserves to be more widely grown. Zone 3


Viola pedata

Viola pedata

One of the most desirable Violets, dissected leaves and flowers larger than any other native species. Needs sandy soil in sun to light shade, a very special Violet. It is believed to be the preferred food plant of the Great Spangled Fritillary, a beautiful species that has declined to the brink of extinction in Michigan.____ZONE 5
