Ta - Th

Product Image Item Name- Price
Talinum okanoganense

Talinum okanoganense

This sounds like a lake monster from an X Files episode, mats to 20cm white flowers held just above the leaves, it is native from Washington up into British Columbia.


Talinum spinescens

Talinum spinescens

A favorite of mine spinescens is found almost exclusively on the scabland-basalt outcrops growing in pockets of clay. Collected on Divide Ridge at 4850'; prostrate cushions of succulent sausage leaves from a fleshy taproot give rise to a floating mass of ½” deep rose flowers.____ZONE 5


Taraxacum albidum

Taraxacum albidum

My favorite dandelion, large pure white flowers, at one time I had only a single plant, which narrowly escaped disaster at the hands of employees and visitors who kept trying to be helpful and weed it out. Not to worry they are all hanging out with Hoffa and the plant finally flowered and set seed; so now, we have plenty.____ZONE 5


Teucrium ackermanii

Teucrium ackermanii

Low spreading mats of gray lavender like foliage, showy rose-purple flowers, an obscure plant that came to us from Siskiyou.____ZONE 5


Teucrium cossonii (pulverulantum)

Teucrium cossonii (pulverulantum)

From Majorca on limestone, mounds of gray narrow aromatic leaves, purplish red flowers, blooms for extended periods, fairly hardy.____ZONE 6


Thalictrum flexulosum

Thalictrum flexulosum

These date from a Korean Hinkley collection in 1997, flexulosum is dwarf, the 6-8” tufts of foliage are topped by typical white-stamened petal-less flowers.____ZONE 5


Thalictrum minus ssp minus

Thalictrum minus ssp minus

Very tiny whatever the name, cute fern like gray green leaves, nice in a trough, don't bother with the flowers.


Thalictrum polygamum

Thalictrum polygamum

One of the native meadow rues to the eastern US, and one of the biggest as well, reaching fully 6 feet tall when happy, and has the usual thalictrum delicate, ferny foliage and airy masses of fluffy yellow-white flowers in late summer. Grows in the wild in wet, boggy areas, but not picky in the garden. Something dramatic and different for the perennial boarder. Zone 4, at least


Thermopsis montana v montana

Thermopsis montana v montana

Montana has apparently been merged into Thermopsis rhombifolia, whatever the name it is a yellow flowers legume after the fashion of Baptisia, height is quite variable, ranging from 20 to 100cm.____ZONE 4


Thymus serpyllum minus

Thymus serpyllum minus

The plant often passed off as Elfin in the trade, flat mats only 1/4 inch high of tiny leaves, it hugs the contours of the ground, beautiful between paving stones it doesn't dome up like Elfin, and is much faster growing and one of the best.
