Sc - Sy

Product Image Item Name- Price
Stylophorum diphyllum

Stylophorum diphyllum

Large mounds of handsome deeply cut leaves; with 2" single yellow poppies on delicate stems produced in succession throughout the summer, unlike its Asian counterpart diphyllum is not weedy.


Syneilesis intermedia

Syneilesis intermedia

That species name is of doubtful accuracy... Jim Waddick was out last summer and wanted to look at all our species to figure out which ones they actually are. Regardless, an excellent plant with wonderful shredded umbrella leaves to 18 inches or so, beautiful in the shade garden with hostas. Flowers are on tall spikes above that and really add nothing to the plant so you might as well cut them off. Unless, of course, Waddick is coming for a visit and wants to look at them to try and key out the different species. Zone 5
