
PENSTEMON A genus almost exclusively American, it contains some of the showiest species any gardener could wish for, and in terms of plants not seeds we have the largest selection, we think, in the world. Most are fairly easy to grow, the main problem is die-back, we have been trying to select the most resistant clones and think we have some good ones, including a few rather difficult dwarf western species.

Product Image Item Name- Price
Penstemon pinifolius 'Mercer Yellow'

Penstemon pinifolius 'Mercer Yellow'

A small shrubby species with needle like leaves on a compact plants. The low bushes are adorned with spikes of tubular yellow flowers (normally they are crimson scarlet).____ZONE 4


Penstemon rydbergii

Penstemon rydbergii

A smaller penstemon, maybe a foot or so tall, with bright blue flowers. Requires good drainage. Zone 3.
