Product Image Item Name- Price
Magnolia tripetala

Magnolia tripetala

Exotic and tropical looking with leaves that rival macrophylla, flowers are white and up to 10” across followed by ornamental seed heads on trees to 50’; despite the name tripetala has six or more tepals, the name refers the three outer reflexed ones); seedlings from the spectacular specimen in in our Garden.


Magnolia virginiana var. australis 'Henry Hicks'

Magnolia virginiana var. australis 'Henry Hicks'

Seedlings from our deciduous clone of virginiana in the front garden, a nice early blooming form that has never taken any damage despite its somewhat exposed placement. Scent is hard to define but I am particularly fond of our clone's strong lemony fragrance, which carries well in the garden. At least Zone 5 maybe more.


Maianthemum dilatatum 'Baby Moon'

Maianthemum dilatatum 'Baby Moon'

Unbearably cute with golden edged little round leaves this thing is much nicer than our native canadense, the taxonomy is a bit confused but I believe dilatatum is conspecific with kamtschatum which some consider part of biflorum, how can a genus of 3 or 4 species get so confused? It's also called Snakeberry and Two Leaved Soloman's Seal and the ever ubiquitus Wild Lily of the Valley.____ZONE 5


Maianthemum stellatum ssp. Crassum (Smilacina racemosa dwarf)

Maianthemum stellatum ssp. Crassum (Smilacina racemosa dwarf)

Maianthemum stellatum var. crassum An amazing little thing glaucous blue almost succulent foliage on plants just a few inches high, it wanders around in the garden making a tuft here and a tuft there and is extremely cute. I had admired this in Fred Case's garden for years and finally begged a piece several years ago. We have slowly built up stock and finally have enough to offer. I consider it one of the choicest plants in our woodland garden.____ZONE 4


Mazus reptans

Mazus reptans

Prostrate creeping scroph with purple and yellow showy flowers, moist soils, a wonderful weed-excluding groundcover for sun to part shade, Himalayas.____ZONE 5


Mertensia virginica

Mertensia virginica

Virginia blue Bells are prized for their display of lovely sky blue flowers in the spring, very beautiful when massed in a shady spot; an easy plant (unlike the western alpine species) that belongs in every garden.


Minuartia verna

Minuartia verna

One of the most desirable species with golf green cushions of short bright green foliage, these are not as tight as some that I have seen but still very nice cushion plants.____ZONE 5


Mitchella repens

Mitchella repens

An elegant ground cover with flat sprays of dark glossy evergreen leaves with pairs of sweet white flowers like a long-tubed Jasmine followed by scarlet berries, Partridge Berry is a very aristocratic plant that is never weedy. Mitchella ranks as one of the best ground covers for shade, just the thing to plant under your pear tree. Note that the woodlanders marked with an * ship either early to mid march or summer dormant.


Muehlenbeckia axilaris

Muehlenbeckia axilaris

A mat forming member of the Polygonaceae, its cute, and hardy here, which is more than you can say for most of the New Zealand flora.____ZONE 6


Mukdenia rossii

Mukdenia rossii

Actually, I prefer Aceriphyllum; Mukdenia sounds so… well, mucky, not at all apropos. An engaging monotypic woodland Saxifrage relative from China; with large maple like leaves; the 5 petaled starry white flowers are in compact helicoid cymes arising from the creeping rootstock.____ZONE 4
