Ha - He

Product Image Item Name- Price
Hakonechloa macra 'All Gold'

Hakonechloa macra 'All Gold'

One of the few true grasses that thrives in shade, maybe getting a wee bit over planted, but this plant has so many virtues it is hard to mind. This is the all gold version (yeah, they got really creative with the cultivar name here...) and is, for some reason, more vigorous than the more common green-and-gold 'Aureola'. Forms a slowly spreading clump that eventually can become a ground cover. Absolutely easy in the shade here, though apparently not very growable in the South. Zone 4


Hepatica acutiloba

Hepatica acutiloba

This Hepatica forms much stronger clumps than H. americana. The leaves have sharp three pointed lobes and the white, pale blue, or pink flowers are more numerous than those of americana. This prefers a more neutral to alkaline soil than H. americana, and here in Michigan it is a much rarer plant.____ZONE 4


Hermodactylis tuberosus

Hermodactylis tuberosus

Snakes Head Iris, strangely beautiful with apple green and velvety black iris-like flowers, it's a monotypic species from the Med. region and a favorite of mine.


Heuchera parishii

Heuchera parishii

Collected from wooded north facing boulder slopes of Jeffery Pine and White Fir in the Cienaga Creek region at 8200', where it forms dark green mats of crenately lobed leaves in the duff between the boulders, parishii is related to elegans, but with larger flowers in a denser panicle, the overall look is misty due to the exerted stamens.____ZONE 5


Heuchera pulchella

Heuchera pulchella

New material from Alplains, Bradshaw collected these from east facing cliffs at 9200' in New Mexico, dense panicles of flowers in shades from pale pink to burgundy.____ZONE 5
