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Feeding your rare plant addiction for over 20 years
Arrowhead Alpines is a retail and mail-order plant nursery in Fowlerville Michigan, specialising in rare and unsual plants. We are one of the most well known specialty nurseries in Michigan, with a huge selection of perennials, woodland wildflowers, unusual ferns, rare alpines, dwarf conifers, and unusual trees and shrubs.
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Disporopsis - Disporum
Disporopsis - DisporumDISPORUM & DISPOROPSIS
With elegant arching stems, they are lovely interspersed with drifts of ferns and trilliums. The Disporums and Disporopsis, along with their Polygonatum and Smilacina cousins form an integral part of the woodland garden. All except Disporopsis have both Asian and American counterparts, dating back to a time before the continents drifted. We were amazed to find that even the tropical looking evergreen Disporopsis survived unprotected.
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