Da - Di

Product Image Item Name- Price
Dianthus subacaulis

Dianthus subacaulis

Dick picked this extremely tight form with good blue color from a batch of Piatek's seedlings, by far the best of the bunch, this promises to be a very good plant, the more we see of it the better we like it, I'd say it ranks with the finest Dianthus we have ever grown.


Dicentra canadensis

Dicentra canadensis

An exquisite little woodlander, with attractive ferny foliage and pink tinged white flowers like a tiny Bleeding Heart; Squirrel Corn bulbs are naturally tiny like kernels of corn, but it can form wide colonies over time.____ZONE 4


Dicentra cucullaria

Dicentra cucullaria

Almost identical to canadensis in foliage, the bulbs are much different and the fat white golden-throated flowers of cucullaria look like a tiny pair of white pants, not just any pants but Dutchman's breeches, it too can form extensive patches.____ZONE 4


Digitalis ambigua (grandiflora)

Digitalis ambigua (grandiflora)

The tall wild type form of grandiflorum with fat yellow bells, it tolerates moderate shade as well as full sun and is a classic English border plant____ZONE 4


Digitalis lutea

Digitalis lutea

One sided wands of light yellow tubular flowers in late spring, this is soundly perennial and attractive in a wild garden.____ZONE 5
