
CAMPANULA Campanulas are a major element in the summer garden; the genus displays great diversity in size and form providing everything from tiny trough species to huge gaudy border perennials. Admittedly the color range isn't much, most are blue with the attendant albino versions, and what passes for pink or yellow is pretty pathetic, still how can you go wrong with blues and purples, at their best they rival the finest gentians in terms of color. Most are easy and free blooming, producing a spectacular display in the garden. For the rock gardener there are species that will test the patience of even the most skilful grower. Campanulas are an indispensable group of plants that can keep your interest for years; for as long as I have known her Betty Blake has been busy growing every species Crook lists, not to mention all the new ones. The list below should give you a fair start on her quest.

Product Image Item Name- Price
Campanula 'Serastro'

Campanula 'Serastro'

Very dark, rich purple flowered version of C. punctata x C. trachelium. Not as aggressive a spreader as most of this species. Zone 4.


Campanula alliariifolia minor

Campanula alliariifolia minor

From a 2004 wild collection courtesy of Euroseed from the central Caucasus in Russia at 1500m. He describes the flower color as yellowish but I suspect creamy white is more like it. Plants are only 10-20cm tall.____ZONE 4


Campanula anomala

Campanula anomala

An attractive plant related to C. bellidifolia with tufted cushions of hairy leaves topped with solitary dark violet blue flowers on short stems.____ZONE 4


Campanula garganica 'Dicksons Gold'

Campanula garganica 'Dicksons Gold'

An easy but prized rock garden ornament, neat mounds of foliage that splays tightly along the rockwork like suckers on an octopus, topped with expanded blue starfish flowers, produced all summer; Farrer in aquatic mode. The gold form is similar to portenschlagiana aurea, I can only tell them apart if they are sitting side by side.____ZONE 4


Campanula isophylla 'Mayi'

Campanula isophylla 'Mayi'

Very showy large flowers, isophylla is often seen as a hanging basket plant in garden centers, it's definitely on the tender side but I have wintered it outside, however it's probably safest in a greenhouse this far north.


Campanula lanata

Campanula lanata

Woolly bellflower, endemic to the Balkans and endangered in the region. Heart-shaped leaves and creamy white bells, about 1' to 2' tall.


Campanula poscharskyana

Campanula poscharskyana

A beautiful Dalmatian plant, with starry open flowers, imagine garganica on Blousant, bigger, firmer, fuller, all natural with no silicone it does tend to run around a bit but can easily be whipped into shape.____ZONE 4


Campanula punctata 'Little Punky'

Campanula punctata 'Little Punky'

A compact dwarf form with long pink bells, heavilly spotted on the inside with red, it is extremely cute.____ZONE 4


Campanula punctata nana lt. Pink

Campanula punctata nana lt. Pink

Huge pink speckled bells on compact plants; our pick as the best pink.____ZONE 4
