Aq - Ar

AQUILEGIA An indispensable but sexually promiscuous genus, (only wild collected material is likely to be pure), with ample material for rock gardens and perennial borders alike, the various species will cross and seed, persisting forever in the garden despite being individually rather short lived. Unfortunately unless some new genetic material is introduced on a regular basis they tend to degrade into ugly mongrel looking things fit more for leaf miners and sawflies than anything else, and rest assured if you grow columbines you are virtually certain to have one or both of these nuisances. A problem easily controlled with Marathon or other systemic insecticide applied prior to their appearance. Alternatively, you can do nothing, because even if plants are defoliated they quickly grow new leaves and are seldom killed. Don't let the bugs dissuade you, if you grow a diverse selection and frequently introduce new blood you will be amply rewarded with a fantastic floral display.

Product Image Item Name- Price
Aquilegia atrata

Aquilegia atrata

A large species from the Alps and Apennines, it can reach 80cm with nodding short-spurred flowers that are nearly black.


Aquilegia flabellata 'Spring Magic Mix'

Aquilegia flabellata 'Spring Magic Mix'

One of the best small columbines this compact form of the Japanese fan columbine has lovely short-spurred flowers in a mix of colors and delicate silvery green foilage about 1 foot tall and unlike many of the dwarf columbines it is very easy to please in the garden._____ZONE 5


Arabis x sturii

Arabis x sturii

Similar to Arabis procurrens but more compact, forming a nice tuft of small leaves topped by large white flowers on three-inch stems, its origins are obscure.___ZONE 4


Artemisia glacialis

Artemisia glacialis

Silvery cushions even more condensed than genipii, Farrer liked it (although he preferred chewing on genipii, like coca it provides extra energy at high altitude, genipii must have been good, he raved about it); glacialis is great in a dry sand bed.___ZONE 4
