A - Ac

DOES THIS FLOWER? Don't ask. A little basic biology is in order here. Does it reproduce? If not it has long been relegated to the fossil record. Does it set seed (here you can eliminate the ferns, mosses and their kin, ignore the whole Angiosperm Gymnosperm naked seed thing for now)? If the answer is yes, where did the seed come from? Apomixis and cleistogamy notwithstanding, this is basically a birds and bees issue and you may want to refer to a copy of Sex For Dummies. I really don't mind questions, I'll happily explain alternation of generations in ferns yet one more time, despite the fact that the whole prothallus-antheridium-archegonium-gametophyte thing seems to elude most everyone but please no more does it flower questions.

Product Image Item Name- Price
Acanthus syricus

Acanthus syricus

Leaves with many spines, they have lovely dense spikes of purple veined white flowers, 3 ft. high, best in a slightly shaded protected place; Syria to Greece.____ZONE 5


Acer truncatum ex krossa

Acer truncatum ex krossa

Acer truncatum is a maple native to northern China, Manchuria and Korea, it is generaly adaptable and easy to grow. The sap is milky which is somewhat uncommon in maples. it is closely related to Acer mono and Acer cappidocicum. These are from seed collected in the late Gus Krossa's garden.


Achillea millifolium 'Little Susie'

Achillea millifolium 'Little Susie'

A shorter selection, 12-18 inches generally, a nice shade of pink. Like all of this species, tough and easy. Zone 4


Achillea x kellereri

Achillea x kellereri

A natural hybrid found in Bulgaria by C.F. Ball and introduced by Sündermann, parentage is a bit uncertain, A. clypeolata is almost certainly one parent the other being either A. ageratifolia ssp aizoon or A. depressa. Leaves are grayish green and provide a nice foil for the corymbs of white flowers___ZONE 4


Aconitum charmichaelii spatlase

Aconitum charmichaelii spatlase

Perhaps the finest of the Aconites, this imposing species is always in demand; the soaring spires of hooded blue flowers tower over the Tricyrtis and Cyclamen mocking the pathetic attempts of Mums trying in vain capture you eye.___ZONE 4


Aconitum septentrionale Ivorine

Aconitum septentrionale Ivorine

The real thing vegetatively propagated from our stock, septentrionale is now considered conspecific with A. lycoctonum ssp. lycoctonum, whatever the name it is an elegant plant; potentially effective against albino werewolves.


Actaea biternata (Cimicifuga japonica)

Actaea biternata (Cimicifuga japonica)

Cimicifuga japonica (Actaea biternata)


Actaea pachypoda

Actaea pachypoda

Cimicifuga bah humbug, that kind of taxonomy will get you cursed by the Bride of Chucky; complete with dead looking black centered white eyes. The fluffy white bottlebrush flowers are followed by evil looking poisonous fruits hence the name White Baneberry.___ZONE 4
