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Feeding your rare plant addiction for over 20 years
Arrowhead Alpines is a retail and mail-order plant nursery in Fowlerville Michigan, specialising in rare and unsual plants. We are one of the most well known specialty nurseries in Michigan, with a huge selection of perennials, woodland wildflowers, unusual ferns, rare alpines, dwarf conifers, and unusual trees and shrubs.
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Don't ask. A little basic biology is in order here. Does it reproduce? If not it has long been relegated to the fossil record. Does it set seed (here you can eliminate the ferns, mosses and their kin, ignore the whole Angiosperm Gymnosperm naked seed thing for now)? If the answer is yes, where did the seed come from? Apomixis and cleistogamy notwithstanding, this is basically a birds and bees issue and you may want to refer to a copy of Sex For Dummies. I really don't mind questions, I'll happily explain alternation of generations in ferns yet one more time, despite the fact that the whole prothallus-antheridium-archegonium-gametophyte thing seems to elude most everyone but please no more does it flower questions.
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