Ep - Er

ERYNGIUM Eryngium is a trendy genus in the last few years and justifiably so, wonderful bold accent plants, taprooted and very drought tolerant. They resent transplanting once established, and seed can be a challenge to germinate, although plants of most species present no problems. If you can't make up your mind which one to grow, do what we do. -- Grow 'em all.

Product Image Item Name- Price
Ephedera americana

Ephedera americana

Ephederas are a strange, unique group of plants. Probably best known as a dietary supplement for weight loss, but is currently illegal for use as a supplement because of the whole problem with people dying. Not to good. But don't let the fact that this is a terrible thing to eat stop you from enjoying the fact that it is a beautiful addition to the garden. Their highly toxic nature makes them absolutely pest proof, even deer and rabbits won't mess with it, and the narrow, upright, green stems makes a beautiful and very different look in the garden. Female plants will produce small, bright orange-red fleshy berry like cones. These plants are unsexed seedlings, so we can't guarantee the sex you'll get. Extraordinarily tolerant of dry, but thrives equally well in wetter conditions, all-in-all a very beautiful, very unique, and entirely bullet-proof plant. Zone 5, maybe colder


Erigeron perigrinus

Erigeron perigrinus

An outstanding Fleabane native from Oregon to Alaska, compact plants with abundant purple daisies.____ZONE 5


Eryngium planum 'Blue Hobbit'

Eryngium planum 'Blue Hobbit'

A dwarf selection, much like the other selections of this species, only it stops at a foot or so tall. Good for a small garden, but a much less graceful plant than the taller selections. Zone 4.
