SUMMER DORMANT PLANTS Many plants go summer dormant, Cyclamen, Arums, Ranunculus, Trilliums and many of the other woodland plants, the list is rather extensive. You would be amazed at how many people think their plants have died when they only went dormant. We have had Garden Centers that should have known better; throw out flats of Cyclamen erroneously thinking they were dead. Just because the leaves turned yellow and the foliage disappeared does not necessarily mean the plant has died. Before you call and complain that something has died, please check and see if it is something that goes dormant or breaks growth at odd times, like___ Ranunculus ficaria

Product Image Item Name- Price
Ranunculus ficaria 'Brambling'

Ranunculus ficaria 'Brambling'

Single bright yellow shining flowers wink with a green ovarian eye lashed with golden pistilate lashes from a stunning rosette of dark foliage with an irregularly blotched silver picotee edge.____ZONE 4


Ranunculus ficaria 'Brazen Hussy'

Ranunculus ficaria 'Brazen Hussy'

A wonderful selection from Christopher Lloyd with black purple foliage and starry golden flowers, Brigitta has been building quite a collection of ficaria forms and one of these years we will offer all of them, despite their reputation for being rampant colonizers the double forms have been quite slow here.____ZONE 4


Ranunculus ficaria 'Collarette'

Ranunculus ficaria 'Collarette'

Fully double buttercup flowers often with a green eye in the center, surround by a ring of bright yellow single petals, this is one of the most striking ficaria clones we grow with attractive rosettes of heavily marked deep green leaves.____ZONE 4


Ranunculus ficaria 'Damerham'

Ranunculus ficaria 'Damerham'

Slightly mottled foliage topped by large fully double bright yellow green centered flowers, this has been very free blooming for us.____ZONE 4


Ranunculus ficaria 'Double Mud'

Ranunculus ficaria 'Double Mud'

An odd looking plant and slow for a ficaria, we have been hoarding this for years trying to get enough to list, it is just the thing to cheer up your moping mudskippers.____ZONE 4


Ranunculus ficaria 'Fried Egg'

Ranunculus ficaria 'Fried Egg'

What to do with unwanted fertalized eggs? You can't use them for stem cell research and it seems a waste to flush them, we have a solution that is sure to get Bill O'Rielly worked up. Lets fry them.____ZONE 4


Ranunculus ficaria 'Green Petal'

Ranunculus ficaria 'Green Petal'

Mid green foliage lightly blotched with silver.____ZONE 4


Ranunculus ficaria 'Randall's White'

Ranunculus ficaria 'Randall's White'

A single form with near white glossy petals surrounding a central boss of yellow stamens over mid green rosettes of splotched leaves.____ZONE 4


Ranunculus ficaria fl. pl.

Ranunculus ficaria fl. pl.

A double form from Punnett, its much more restrained than the single form. Brigitta has become very enamored with the ficaria clones of late; look for a huge future listing.____ZONE 4


Rudbeckia grandiflora 'Sundance'

Rudbeckia grandiflora 'Sundance'

One of the more beautiful rudbeckias, a large plant to 4 feet or so.Flowers arrive in last summer/early autumn, and are large with very long ray petals that hang down from the smallish, round cone. The whole effect is extremely graceful and elegant and is marvelous with ornamental grasses. Zone 4 – Joseph
