
Product Image Item Name- Price
Podophyllum peltatum

Podophyllum peltatum

Large umbrella-like leaves have a lush opulent beauty, almost hiding the large waxy white flowers, and fruits that make a tasty jelly, get them before the chipmunks! People are starting to cross our native May Apple with some of the Asian Dysosma species with spectacular results.


Polygala vayredae

Polygala vayredae

Near the high water mark in a genus of over 500 species, flowers similar to chamaebuxus with flaming fluorescent pink and yellow winged butterflies, shrubby narrow linear leaves, much more permanent than chamaebuxus, at least here. It deserves a special place in the garden to prominently display such a treasure.____ZONE 4


Polygonum affinis 'Dimity'

Polygonum affinis 'Dimity'

A cute little Knotweed from the Himalayas, the pink flowers are produced on short stems, it is a great groundcover that blooms for months. We planted this about 15 years ago around our waterfall and it is still there and still looking good.____ZONE 4


Polygonum bistortum 'Supurba'

Polygonum bistortum 'Supurba'

The showiest of all the knotweeds huge heads of pink flowers atop 75cm stems, on a moist rich site these are fantastic.____ZONE 4


Polygonum weyrechii

Polygonum weyrechii

A robust species from Sakhalin Island that can reach 1.5m in height; leaves are white tomentose beneath in summer it produces white flowers in dense panicles.____ZONE 4


Primula kisoana mixed colors

Primula kisoana mixed colors

This woodland species from Japan is very late flowering. The round, scalloped leaves with their felt-like texture lay out an inviting carpet for the funnel-shaped glowing lavender-rose flowers. It runs in our shady woodland garden and in the right site it can verge on weedy, but a more attractive weed is hard to imagine. Fickle it is as well as large patches can vanish to a few scraps without warning. Perhaps my favorite woodland Primula.____ZONE 5
