ORIGANUM According to the RHS Index of Garden Plants, nearly every species we list is hardy to Zone 8 or 9. What a crock, who comes up with this stuff, winter in the mountains of Turkey at 2,000m doesn't sound like palm trees to me. The scary thing is most beginning gardeners and even some of the experienced ones actually take them seriously. (Want a chuckle; check out their Allium zone ratings;

Product Image Item Name- Price
Nolina texana

Nolina texana

A big, 4 foot by 4 foot mass of very narrow, grass-like leaves with large spikes of very showy white flowers. Very showy and cool, and out west where they can be kept very dry, even hardy to zone 5, though it doesn't have a chance in our wet winters.


Oenothera fruticosa glauca 'Hobe Licht'

Oenothera fruticosa glauca 'Hobe Licht'

Short German selection of this Eastern US native (it is kind of crazy how many US native plants have to go to Europe to be appreciated and selected). Only a foot or so tall, with very profuse, bright yellow flowers over a long period in during the summer. Like most oenothera, tough and easy to grow, sometimes to a fault. Zone 4


Oenothera macrocarpa ssp. Fremontii

Oenothera macrocarpa ssp. Fremontii

These are plants we grew from seed, and they're quite variable. All of them have wonderfully silver leaves, though the intensity of it varies quite a bit, and the leaves range from wide spoon shapes to tiny narrow grass like forms. All are nicely compact low growers with large pale yellow flowers.


Oenothera pilosella 'Yella Fella'

Oenothera pilosella 'Yella Fella'

Golden lightly scented saucer-shaped blossoms opening during the day, and the reddish autumn foliage adds to it's garden interest.____ZONE 5


Ophiopogon japonicum 'Torafu'

Ophiopogon japonicum 'Torafu'

An unusual plant with irregular horizontal yellow banding after the fashion of Zebra Grass if it were a bit more regular it would be stunning, definitely one to save seed on.____ZONE 6


Ophiopogon japonicum compactum

Ophiopogon japonicum compactum

A treasure courtesy of John from H&H, this thing is tiny with dense tufts of grassy foliage only a couple inches tall and short scapes of bell shaped flowers followed by heavy crops of ornamental blue berries, (not to be confused with blueberries); its cute enough for a trough and sure to elicit comment.____ZONE 6


Ophiopogon planiscapa nigrescens

Ophiopogon planiscapa nigrescens

Nearly black foliage, this has been around but remains as classy now as when it was first introduced, it is beautiful in combination with 'Silver Dragon'. It is hardy for us but takes a beating in hard winters and vanished completely at –29°F.____ZONE 5


Ophiopogon planiscapa nigrescens 'Edge of Night'

Ophiopogon planiscapa nigrescens 'Edge of Night'

As above but with a narrow white edge, pretty cool despite the soap opera name, I've seen this listed for over $50, here's your chance to get one on the cheap.____ZONE 5


Opuntia fragilis ex Lake of the Woods Canada

Opuntia fragilis ex Lake of the Woods Canada

A tiny padded form, cute enough for a trough, this originally came from one of the most northerly sites for a Cactus, Dick has grown it for many years and brought us some. We had originally planned to ship it back to a Canadian nursery however CITES in its infinite stupidity prevents us from sending it back from whence it came. (In California if you catch a Bullfrog and release it back into the pond it just came from you can be fined $$$$; Government officials should be forced to take a common sense test and shot if they fail).____ZONE 4


Oresitrophe rupifraga

Oresitrophe rupifraga

Pink flower buds that open to faintly pink flushed, fuzzy looking white flowers. Very pretty and delicate looking. The leaves emerge as it is flowering, and are rather nice, large, and glossy. Reminds one a bit of a Mukdenia with much better flowers. Likes evenly moist, shady conditions. Zone 5
