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Feeding your rare plant addiction for over 20 years
Arrowhead Alpines is a retail and mail-order plant nursery in Fowlerville Michigan, specialising in rare and unsual plants. We are one of the most well known specialty nurseries in Michigan, with a huge selection of perennials, woodland wildflowers, unusual ferns, rare alpines, dwarf conifers, and unusual trees and shrubs.
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Perennials and Rock Plants ::
Hosta![]() HOSTA
If not overdone Hostas can present a spectacular accent in a shady garden, Poorly laid out and overdone with prominent labeling they can be hideous, We have tried to offer a sampling of the range of foliage types available, focusing mostly on classic plants along with some moderately priced newer introductions. We have attempted to select the best in each category, . It was a daunting task to narrow the list of available and moderately priced plants to just the very best, we think we did a good job. Be wary when price shopping as you may receive a tiny plant barely out of the tissue culture tube, ours are all large divisions and many have multiple eyes.____ZONE 4
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