
ASPERULA A sizeable genus in the Rubiaceae, the name refers to the rough bedstraw like stems, containing some of the finest cushion plants known to man. Long cultivated for the fantastic cushions smothered in long tubed pink flowers. We offer a fair selection and trust me on this you want them all, and with the exception of the furry ones they are rather easy plants in the open garden.

Product Image Item Name- Price
Asarum arifolium (Hexastylis arifolia)

Asarum arifolium (Hexastylis arifolia)

Asarum arifolium (Hexastylis arifolia) One of the commonest evergreen native gingers, leaves have a distinctive arrowhead shape and may be either solid green or marked with silvery blotches. Flowers are curious brown jug-like things.____ZONE 5


Asarum canadense

Asarum canadense

Excellent carpeting plants for woodland gardens. Flowers are tubby maroon jugs concealed beneath the heart shaped deciduous leaves that rise 6" on silky petioles. Our native wild ginger is reputed to be an alternate food plant for the beautiful Pipevine Swallowtail____ZONE 4


Asarum splendens ex Wild China

Asarum splendens ex Wild China

One of the larger flowered Chinese species and one of the easiest, this may or may not be conspecific with Asarum magnificum. The taxonomy is confused with many Chinese imports appearing under a variety of names. We fear it may be a while before everything is properly sorted out in the meantime enjoy the plants and don't get too freaked about the names. For what its worth these are the H & H version.___ZONE 4


Asclepias tuberosa

Asclepias tuberosa

A wonderful butterfly plant , drought tolerant and difficult to transplant once established it is a favorite with monarch butterflies and should be planted in big drifts .___ZONE 4


Asclepias verticillata

Asclepias verticillata

Asclepias verticillata The foliage is similar to tuberosa but finer and the flowers are creamy not orange, very xeric adapted. Monarch's like it___ZONE 4


Asimina triloba

Asimina triloba

Pawpaw, grown for its tropical looking foliage, large flowers, edible tasty fruits and most of all to attract Zebra Swallowtail butterflies. These amazingly long tailed butterflies eat nothing else as larvae. If they don't find you, go out and net a few females, bring them home and release them. They are seldom virgins when you catch them and will usually start a colony as long as sufficient food is available and you introduce a bit of genetic diversity. Releasing a single female is not likely to be successful. Don't panic unduly about upsetting ecosystems, butterflies are often blown hundreds of miles outside their natural range, netting a few and moving them changes little.


Asperula orientalis

Asperula orientalis

These date from a 1999 Archibald collection this has kicked around the nursery for quite a while and we finally managed to propagate some.


Aster himalaicus

Aster himalaicus

Large, showy lavender flowers on a short, one foot tall plant.___ZONE 4


Aster oblongifolius

Aster oblongifolius

Called aromatic aster for the scent of its crushed foliage, typical lavender aster flowers in late summer and fall.___ZONE 4
