Daphne HYB

Product Image Item Name- Price
Daphne 'Rosy Wave' (burkwoodii x collina)

Daphne 'Rosy Wave' (burkwoodii x collina)

Daphne 'Rosy Wave' (burkwoodii x collina) Beautiful hybrid with profuse flowers that open broadly for a brilliant display. Like most burkwoodii hybrids, an all around better plant than its parent, with glossier foliage and better rebloom. About 18" tall, Zone 5, at least.


Daphne x eschmannii 'Jacob Eschmann'

Daphne x eschmannii 'Jacob Eschmann'

An interesting hybrid blagayana x cneorum first raised by Eschmann in 1958, foliage takes after blagayana but with pinkish purple flowers. A cool plant and one you are not likely to find at your local garden center.


Daphne x hauseri 'Leila Haynes'

Daphne x hauseri 'Leila Haynes'

Daphne x hauseri 'Leila Haynes' is often listed as Daphne cneorum 'Leila Haynes' An attractive little hybrid of strata x cneorum, it is similar to D. cneorum, but with a bushier, most compact habit, only 6 to 9 inches tall.


Daphne x kazbali 'Wilhelm Schacht'

Daphne x kazbali 'Wilhelm Schacht'

The grex is collina x petraea with collina as the seed parent, according to Halda Kazbali has precedence over Rollsdorfii. 'Wilhelm Schacht' was raised by Fritz Kummert in 1979; it is very free flowering with fragrant pinkish purple flowers, an exciting small Daphne, surprisingly easy despite the petraea parentage.


Daphne x mantensiana 'Manten'

Daphne x mantensiana 'Manten'

The result of a 1941 cross by Jack Manten of Daphne x burkwoodii 'Somerset' and Daphne retusa, it is an evergreen plant with clusters of fragrant pink flowers reblooming three times throughout the season, indeed it is virtually everblooming here.


Daphne x rossetii

Daphne x rossetii

A naturally occurring hybrid between Daphne laureola philippii and D. cneorum found in the wild in the Pyrenees by M. Rosset of Correvon Nursery in 1927, and later re-collected and described by Halda. An interesting plant with a reputation for being shy flowering; flowers are green tinged pink and honey scented, moreover the foliage is excellent even when out of flower.


Daphne x susannae 'Cheritan'

Daphne x susannae 'Cheritan'

Daphne x susannae 'Cheritan' D. arbuscula x D. collina Notably dark rosey-purple flowers, glossy foliage, on a smallish plant reaching not much more than a foot tall.


Daphne x thauma 'Reginald Farrer'

Daphne x thauma 'Reginald Farrer'

A naturally occurring hybrid between D. Petraea and D. striata found in the Cima Tombea in Italy and originally introduced by Farrer almost a century ago. It is beautiful but finicky, often refusing to flower well. Robin White reports it occasionally dropping all of its leaves without warning in late summer although it usually recovers from this, flowers are a soft light pink with deeper tubes in clusters of 5-8; when grown well in a trough it is incredible.
