Daphne species

Product Image Item Name- Price
Daphne arbuscula x verlotii

Daphne arbuscula x verlotii

A profusely flowering hybrid with long, narrow, glossy green leaves and hot pink flowers. Our original plant is in the tufa garden for about 15 years now and is only about 5-6 inches high covering 3 foot or so in width. It has long ago swallowed up smaller Daphne’s along the way and is in the process now in devouring a dwarf Norway spruce. I know nothing about the cross and can’t really remember who we got it from but we do have the reverse cross of it also, Daphne cneorum f. verlotii x arbuscula, look for it under the D. cneorum heading.


Daphne caucasica

Daphne caucasica

Daphne caucasica I love this plant so deeply it is almost obscene, and for one simple reason: Fragrance. It is wonderful, and the kind of carrying fragrance that travels far. Customers smell while shopping for something else and have to take a moment to track down, and then have to have one. Better yet, flowering is pretty much continuous. Walk by the plants basically any day from May to October or even early November, and they'll have flowers on them, pumping out that exquisite perfume. Forms an upright shrub probably topping out around 3 feet. I consider it absolutely essential to happiness. Zone 5, at least.


Daphne caucasica 'variegata'

Daphne caucasica 'variegata'

Daphne caucasica 'Variegata' All the wonderfulness that is D. caucasica - fragrance, great rebloom, about 2' tall or so with the added bonus of a neat white edge to the foliage. Zone 5, at least.


Daphne sericea Compact Form

Daphne sericea Compact Form

Closely related to collina, (Halda lumped collina into sericea but I doubt if anyone will take it seriously I agree with robin that the two are distinct and the Turkish forms are quite different from the Cretan ones) the heads of sweetly scented lilac flowers, are produced in spring and it generally reblooms later in the summer, in the garden it will make neat rounded mounds 2-3' in height.
