Daphne x hendersonii

The x hendersoniis are hybrids between D. petrea and D. cneorum. Some are natural hybrids found in the wild and some originated in cultivation. All seem very easy to grow for us and have none of the drama queen behavior that both parents have.

They are wonderful additions to a rock garden and are small enough to grow in a trough and some are even amendable to grow in a pot if you take care in watering. All are very fragrant, they bloom early spring and a few will re-bloom by midsummer.

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Daphne x hendersonii

Daphne x hendersonii

The grex is Daphne petraea x Daphne cneorum, plants occur naturally in the wild in the region around Lake Garda. The original plant being discovered in the wild by Henderson in 1930, this clone is in all likelihood the one Chris Brickel collected in 1981 ______________ One of my absolutely favorite daphnes. x hendersonii boasts incredibly beautiful dark, glossy, evergreen foliage on compact plants that stay well under a foot tall, often less than 6 inches. It loads itself down with pink flowers in the spring, and then repeats the show usually two more times during the course of the summer. Fragrance is mild but very pleasant. Absolutely lovely every day of the year. Zone 5, at least.


Daphne x hendersonii 'Apple Blossom'

Daphne x hendersonii 'Apple Blossom'

Daphne x hendersonii 'Apple Blossom' A selection of this stellar hybrid with exceptionally large, pale pink flowers.


Daphne x hendersonii 'Fritz Kummert'

Daphne x hendersonii 'Fritz Kummert'

Daphne x hendersonii 'Fritz Kummert'(petraea x cneorum pygmaea) A nice, smaller hendersonii that is one of the earliest to bloom.


Daphne x hendersonii 'Rosebud'

Daphne x hendersonii 'Rosebud'

Margaret and Henry Taylor's 1991 introduction, Rosebud is bright reddish purple in bud opening to pale pink and fading to near white. Robin says it is finiky on it's own roots but it has been a good grower for us, doing far better on it's own roots than the graft we originally got from him.
