Woodland Wildflowers Bulk List

For those looking to plant in large drifts, we have a bare root plant list. It is a great opportunity to have a woodland garden at an affordable price. As our bulk wildflower list is bare root, you must place your order soon if you want it shipped this spring!

Our bulk wildflowers are either nursery propagated or wild collected under state or federal permit from land scheduled to be clear-cut or otherwise destroyed. The majority are nursery propagated, not because we have any particular objection to responsible collecting of non-endangered species that is done in a sustainable manner, but because it is simply cheaper to nursery propagate them.

We generally have good supplies of most things and you can order any time, however, plants will only be shipped in early spring or summer dormant! If you have questions about shipping times, please send us an email. There's FREE SHIPPING on bulk woodland wildflowers too!